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The Role of a Man by: Tom Clark and Mary Clark

What is the proper role of men in the family and society? History reveals extremes from the family dictator to the bumbling sitcom dad. What did God design? Society has many different ideas about what the role of men should be. But what did our great and loving Creator intend? In the beginning … To answer that question we need to start in the beginning, at the creation of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 2 we see that Adam was created before Eve. Adam was given the task of naming all of the animals. It seems clear that at least part of the purpose for this was to help him realize that none of these creatures were “comparable to him.” Every other creature had its mate; but Adam was at that point alone, the only one of his kind (verse 20). After he was done naming all the animals, God then created a very special blessing for him—a woman fashioned from Adam’s own rib. The connection between them was undeniable. Together they had a oneness—they formed a family, a complete unit (...
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Understanding Submission by: Tom Clark and Mary Clark

For many today the word  submit  is a highly offensive term. Some go so far as wanting to take it entirely out of their wedding vows, in spite of God’s instructions. Through the apostle Paul, God tells wives to “submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” ( Ephesians 5:22 ). What does that mean? Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary  defines  submit  as “to yield to governance or authority … to yield oneself to the authority or will of another … to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another.” Submission is yielding, consenting to the authority of another, in this case to her husband. Submission as God intended is something that must be given, not something that should be demanded or enforced. Within marriage, it is an act of love and respect! God clearly gave the man the role of leader in the family ( Ephesians 5:23 ;  1 Corinthians 11:3 ). It is important to note that husbands are charged with submitting to the authorit...

Rebuilding your marriage back from wanting a divorce

Many spouses ignore for years the alarms of discontent that their partner has been ringing.  None of the complaints sounded like they might end up being  causes for divorce .  When their spouse “suddenly” announces that he or she is moving out, wants to end the  marriage , or even has filed already for  divorce , the ground below shakes like an earthquake. Is there any way, at that last-ditch point, to stop a divorce?  Ted announced on Friday to his wife Maria (names changed for confidentiality) that he wanted a divorce.  Maria was shocked.  She had no idea that her husband had been so unhappy.  Yes, he had complained of this and that, but don’t all husbands complain?  By Monday morning however Maria had made a decision.  She would do all she could to stop the divorce.  Here’s the 7 strong steps that she and I (the therapist she went to for help) mapped out together for her. 1.       Pr...


One Woman Teaches Her Husband A Valuable Lesson After He Cheats On Her by  ELYSE WANSHEL Advertisement Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned — especially when it comes to a divorce. A lot of deeply rooted feelings begin to bubble when one half of a couple wants to split. Betrayal, rage, and jealousy can all come into play, which can cause a person to do some pretty passionate things.  Sometimes even  crazy  things . Yet, whenever I hear or read about a jilted wife,  I always think of a story I heard years ago  of one astounding woman. Instead of feeding into her anger when her husband admitted he was cheating and wanted a divorce, she didn’t get mad. She got smart. This woman knew intuitively what was wrong with their marriage and after much reflection she made a brilliant, yet seemingly strange, request before she agreed to sign divorce papers. The end result is surprising — and ultimately — very rewarding. It’s a s...

Bishop T. D. Jakes on Three Types of "Friends"

Going through this journey we call life, I came to the realization that there will only be a few people who is for you. As Children of God, we need to move in love but Love with discernment. Before I got married, God showed me a vision about some people in my bridal group. I ignored it rather praying about it. After a week, My Revelation came to past. My advise to others is to never ignore the voice of God and Forgive those that hurt you. below is a old sermon from 2008 by TD Jakes going into detail about "Friends"This helped me in the past and I surely know it will help someone today-Mimi Gborgla. The first group are  Confidants . Confidants — you’ll have very few of them. Confidants are those people in your life who love you unconditionally. They are into you, whether you’re up or down, right or wrong, they are into you. They are in for the long haul. If you get in trouble, they get in trouble with you. They’ll come see you in the jailhouse. They’ll come get you out...