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Showing posts from November, 2017

Our Kind Of Girl in Palace! Meghan and Prince Harry

By  Karen Attiah   November 30 at 9:57 AM   Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pose for the media Monday on the grounds of London’s Kensington Palace. (Eddie Mulholland/Associated Press) Britain is going to have a black princess! Monday’s announcement that Prince Harry is engaged to American actress Meghan Markle, whose mother is black and whose father is white, sent a wave of euphoria through social media. Black women — including me; check my Twitter feed — were particularly thrilled. (Okay, so technically, it’s not yet known if Markle will be properly known as a  duchess , rather than a princess, but just let us live out our Disney dreams for once, all right?) Of course, there are royal families and princesses in Africa, so Markle will not be the only black royal in the world. But now, the British monarchy, the institution that embodies white privilege more powerfully than just about any other, will now include a mixed-race woman. In a world that paints women of color as romantica

Are You Mature Enough to Date Someone With a Child or Children?

NATASHA MILES   Raising tiny humans is a huge responsibility; dating a parent is, too. Natasha Miles offers a few key considerations before you date someone with children. Let’s face it, dating in today’s society is hard enough. You have to get past all the  narcissists , then come the energy vampires, and once you clear  them  you must weed out the liars and  cheaters . In the midst of the selection process, you just may find that one person who makes life  awesome .  But what if they have a child or multiple children? Today it’s not uncommon to see people who are in relationships with those who already have kids. If you find yourself facing this situation, how do you know you’re ready? How can you be  sure  you can deal with the requirements of this relationship? Here are a few things to think about that can help you decide if you are mature enough or ready to date someone with children. 1. Dating Someone with Kids Isn’t Impossible First thing you need to understan

The Difference Between Dating and Courtship

Purpose of the Relationship The main difference between dating and courtship involves the goals to be reached by spending time with a potential marriage partner.  Men and women who choose to date often have no commitment to consider marrying the other person . Maturity and readiness for marriage are not considerations in the decision to date. Instead, couples usually date with the selfish goals of having fun and enjoying romantic attachments. In contrast,  courtship is undertaken only when both parties are prepared to make a commitment to marriage . Dating tries to answer the question,  How can I find the one who will make me happy?  Courtship strives to answer the question,  How can I honor God and discern His direction regarding my life partner? Accountability to Authorities In a dating relationship, there is little if any accountability for the couple and little or no interaction with family members. The dating couple is merely attracted to one another in some way and oft

Is 'YOUR TYPE' the reason you're still single

“I wonder how many blessings have been overlooked because the person God sent didn’t match the picture of the person you wanted. God knows what I want and he’ll send it. Some of our greatest mistakes at one time was exactly what we wanted. Maybe God sends what you need, and that person won’t be the color you wanted or the shape you had hoped for. Dear  Christians, maybe God will send someone who doesn’t know the word so they can learn it through you.” It’s cool to have an idea of what you’re looking for in a guy, but it can also set you up for failure and disappointment if your “type” is too detailed. You have to have standards, of course, but it shouldn’t be a no-budge list where you’re dismissing potentially awesome matches based on a few shortcomings. It’s not until you’ve reached out of your comfort zone that you can really even have a type. Most people will go from failed relationship to failed relationship and blame each fail on the individual it didn’t work out wi

Sexually Transmitted DEMONS

Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form energy within her, he leaves a part of his information (DNA) in her birth canal.  That imprint can often create illusion sexual addiction to the individual. When some one decides to have multiple partners, it can sometimes send mixed emotional signals within the inside of the body’s vibration system. Women must be careful of different energies or spiritual forces polluting their internal temple. You are a sacred doorway, where life is intended to pass through, respect yourself, use your gifts wisely! (Wait till marriage? As God intended). Just think about it and ask yourself… Ever wonder why they call it sexual intercourse (INTER-Course)? It’s an internal course that unites man and woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit, or energy with energy. This is something that a condom can’t protect you against because energy is behind the elements of all flesh. There is no such thing as “Casual” Sex or “Friends wit

Ms. Moca B aka Ms. Crowned with Glory and her love for fashion.

Fashion is one of the art forms that you live daily. Not everyone likes poetry, not everyone likes looking at paintings, but fashion is one of the art forms which everyone in the world takes part of. It represents our inner psyche, it establishes our status in society and It serves as a non-verbal communication. Our choice of clothes represent inner desires and emotions which we want to show or hide. Fashion is everywhere, and everyone is part of it, but it is as diverse as every being's DNA. This beauty loves fashion because it's an extension of her personality. Fashion gives a certain amount of freedom to people and allows them to be who they want to be and form purely as a medium for self-expression. You have to use your clothing in the form of creativity...a certain poetry.  We are welcoming you Fashion designer, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Entrepreneur and former first runner up Miss Ghana-USA 2002; Ms.Crowned with Glory also known as  Ms. Moca (Mimi-Own-Cloth

Welcoming November "The 11 Month" and The gospel of John records eleven very special promises.

Promises! The gospel of John records eleven very special promises. A person can receive everlasting life by believing in the Son of God (John 3:16) A person can have eternal life by eating, spiritually, Jesus' body (John 6:54) By following Jesus you will not walk in darkness (John 8:12) Those who continue in Jesus' word will be set free (John 8:31 - 32) A person will truly be FREE if made so by Jesus (John 8:36) God the Father will honor those who serve Christ (John 12:26) Those who believe in Jesus will do greater deeds than he did (John 14:12) Those who obey Christ's commands will receive the Holy Spirit (John 14:15 - 16) Those who keep Jesus' commands will be loved by both him and God the Father (John 14:21) Those who abide in Jesus will be fruitful (John 15:5) A person can be Christ's friend IF they obey him (John 15:14) For more daily encouragement, please follow @Mimi.on.the.move (Instagram)