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Ms. Moca B aka Ms. Crowned with Glory and her love for fashion.

Fashion is one of the art forms that you live daily. Not everyone likes poetry, not everyone likes looking at paintings, but fashion is one of the art forms which everyone in the world takes part of. It represents our inner psyche, it establishes our status in society and It serves as a non-verbal communication. Our choice of clothes represent inner desires and emotions which we want to show or hide. Fashion is everywhere, and everyone is part of it, but it is as diverse as every being's DNA. This beauty loves fashion because it's an extension of her personality. Fashion gives a certain amount of freedom to people and allows them to be who they want to be and form purely as a medium for self-expression. You have to use your clothing in the form of creativity...a certain poetry. 

We are welcoming you Fashion designer, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Entrepreneur and former first runner up Miss Ghana-USA 2002; Ms.Crowned with Glory also known as Ms. Moca (Mimi-Own-Clothing-and Accessories) as her fashion line alias.

Ms. Moca doesn't allow anything or anyone to step in her way of expressing herself through fashion; let alone her own designs. She calls this piece here "Kimoshanti" which is her own twist of a Asian kimono and one of her African tribe Ashanti.

"Smiling is the key to happiness and if we all can do that we will reach to the top of the mountain"Ms. Moca B aka Ms. Crowned with Glory

 As for what fashion is... besides being an extension of personality, mood, or a way of expressing inner creativity. She loves the trans-formative quality, the effect that an item of clothing can have on the way people see you and the way you might see yourself. There's something about the right pair of pants or a fabulous pair of shoes that can bring out a confidence in you that you didn't realize you had. Despite how much fashion deals with the surface, it's the effect it has on the way you feel as opposed to the way you look that makes it so amazing.

"I like the business psychology of fashion - how brands become empires and sell a fantasy of themselves, how companies and magazines try to stimulate or reflect desires, the archetypes that get used, and so on."Ms. Moca B aka Ms. Crowned with Glory

Ms.Moca B worked inventively with textures, prints and colors to form a defying cliches about African fashion. She designs clothing that will express that clients inner Queen or King. 

African fabric is often decorated with a huge variety of colors and patterns with many of them having a meaning. African prints feature, not only in the traditional wrap-over dresses, but also in different styles like pants, tops among others. African prints ranges from simplicity to bold colors that will draw attention to the details. 

When all is said and done, Ms. Moca B lives, breaths and never sleeps on fashion and she enjoys empowering people because that's her divine calling to minister to others.

Fashion (Instagram) @Ventiseicouture
Daily Encouragement page (Instagram) @Mimi.on.the.move
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