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The Bible speaks of what is today known as soul ties. In the Bible, it doesn't use the word soul tie, but it speaks of them when it talks about souls being knit together, becoming one flesh, etc. A soul tie can serve many functions, but in it's simplest form, it ties two souls together in the spiritual realm. Soul ties between married couples draw them together like magnets, while soul ties between fornicators can draw a beaten and abused woman to the man which in the natural realm she would hate and run from, but instead she runs to him even though he doesn't love her, and treats her like dirt. In the demonic world, unholy soul ties can serve as bridges between two people to pass demonic garbage through. I helped a young man not too long ago break free from downright awful visitations from demons, all due to an ungodly soul tie he had with a witch. The man was a Christian, and the only thing that allowed her to send demonic torment his way, is through the soul tie. Other soul ties can do things such as allow one person to manipulate and control another person, and the other person is unaware to what is going on or knows what is going on, but for no real reason, allows it to continue.
How does this spirit create soul ties? When Jezebel releases the spirit of seduction a “spiritual force” is released against your mind, imagination, and emotions. Just as a fisherman may use various baits and lures so does the Jezebel spirit. Her baits and lures are all seductive in nature. Seduction is the bait that leads to a soul tie. You are the fish.
The purpose of the seduction is to create soul ties that can be used to control you. A soul tie is a spiritual or emotional attachment to another person. In this case, the bond is with a demonic spirit called Jezebel. Soul ties can be created in a myriad of ways such as:

  • Sexual relationships
  • Emotional manipulation
  • Shared life experiences
  • Personal tragedies
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Flattery of the prideful
  • Consoling another
  • Reaching out to the lonely
  • Agreeing with Jezebel’s offenses, hurts, wounds, and unforgiveness towards those in authority or leadership.
  • Financial crisis.

Once soul ties have been established, Jezebel’s victim becomes a eunuch. A eunuch is a child of the Jezebel spirit. A spiritual eunuch has nothing to do with the male gender. A castrated male, our example, is a eunuch. In other words, a eunuch is a person without the ability to reproduce. A Jezebel eunuch has no life outside the controlling world of Jezebel. Again, a eunuch has no strength of their own, looks to the Jezebel spirit for approval, instruction, validation, and companionship.

Do you think about past lovers, stuck in a controlling relationship, have a mother that won’t allow you to bond with your mate?

Definition of Soul Ties:

Ungodly soul ties outside of marriage
Ungodly Soul Ties knit together spiritual/emotion connection to someone after being intimate sexually or one-night stand that the Bible says fornication out of wedlock.  Soul ties are invisible bands or yokes from your fresh from your soul to another person’s heart – you become one flesh in the spiritual realm.  You cannot get rid of that person from your mind and your life even when you are far away from them you still feel as if they are part of you causing you to feel unclean, unwhole, etc.become one flesh and ties two souls together in the spiritual realm.
You can have an ungodly soul ties to pastor, co-worker, boss, friends, family, animals, dead, object, etc.
Ungodly soul ties outside of sex
Ungodly soul ties can develop without sex through co-dependency (inordinate affection) in the emotional realm to another person – being emotionally dependent on another.

Ungodly Soul Ties Between Friends

Again, ungodly Soul ties can also be found in close friendships – Co-dependency being connected emotionally (not sexually).  So co-dependency is not just limited to marriage but anyone who we become dependent on with one another over God.  For example King David and Jonathan had inordinate affection  (co-dependency), no sex involved –  opening the door to demonic oppression symptoms.  It is calling evil good because of soul ties.
1 Samuel 18:1, “And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his soul.”
In friendship relationship, one person usually is controlling (matriarchal witchcraft), and the other is dependent on the controller and is hard to break free from an unhealthy relationship – co-dependency or inordinate affection.
Separation by Isolation – Ungodly Soul Ties
Isolation is a reliable weapon of witchcraft. The person who is manipulating you wants to separate you from your friends, your church, or anyone whom it perceives can speak truth into your life. The manipulative person is jealous of your giftings and wants to quench them or use your gifts to their benefit.  I have witnessed people that have two close, stable friends and watched this force of wickedness separate and isolate its victim from their comrades.  The person controlling you through ungodly soul ties has rejection and is cover up their rejection and insecurity with manipulation and control – bullying through shame and guilt.

Ungodly Soul Ties From Fornication

More definition of Ungodly Soul Ties: Ungodly Soul Ties formed from sex outside of marriage causes a person to become defiled in the spiritual realm.  The heart gets tangled and is hard to break loose once that soul tie is in place.  It is like invisible ropes and cords connecting you with the other person.
Genesis 34:2-3, “And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spoke kindly unto the damsel.”
Have you ever dated anyone and you knew they were not a good match but because you slept with him/her you were not able to stay away from the relationship but kept going back?  That is because of the fornication the enemy attaches you to that person.

Ungodly Soul Ties to Ex-lover:

The common problem is the person will still have ‘feelings’ towards an ex-lover that they may not have seen in years but still think about them even 20 years down the road.  That person could be married and have a good marriage, but connected to their mind. You cannot stop thinking about them and can interfere with intimacy with your present husband.  That is a sexual soul tie.
An Ungodly Soul Tie grabs hold of you and pulls you in the past.  You cannot operate with truth and logic reality and will mess everything around you in the now because your mind and soul and emotions still tied to the other person.  This person may have been your first love.  Marriage is through a covenant with God and becoming one in the flesh and spirit.
Ungodly soul ties to an organization
Ungodly soul ties can attach you to an organization through oaths and vows.  This soul ties you to the organization that is very demonic.

How to break a soul tie

1. If any sins were committed to cause this soul tie, repent of them! Fornication is perhaps one of the most common ways to create nasty soul ties.
2. If gifts were given to you by the other person in connection with the sin or unholy relationship, such as rings, flowers, cards, bras, etc. I would get rid of them! Such things symbolize the ungodly relationship, and can hold a soul tie in place. If you are still friends or in a relationship (just now it's no longer an ungodly relationship), like say a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, except you've repented of and forsaken the unholy practices you used to do in your relationship, then I don't feel it is necessary to destroy all the gifts and things that you have been given. I would still encourage you to get rid of anything that symbolizes the ungodly practices in the relationship though, such as if a guy gives a girl a bra and panties with his initials on them during fornication. I wouldn't encourage you to hang on to such things that symbolize sin or that are wrong to give each other before marriage. Things such as flowers and love letters given during an adultery should be destroyed.
3. Any rash vows or commitments made that played a part in forming the soul tie should be renounced and repented of, and broken in Jesus' name. Even things like "I will love you forever", or "I could never love another man!" need to be renounced. They are spoken commitments that need to be undone verbally. As Proverbs 21:23 tells us, "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles." The tongue has the ability to bring the soul great troubles and bondage.
4. Forgive that person if you have anything against them.
5. Renounce the soul tie. Do this verbally, and in Jesus' name. Example, "In Jesus' name, I now renounce any ungodly soul ties formed between myself and ______ as a result of _______________ (fornication, etc.)."
6. Break the soul tie in Jesus' name! Do this verbally using your authority in Jesus. Example, "I now break and sever any ungodly soul ties formed between myself and _________ as a result of ______________ (fornication, etc.) in Jesus' name."



  1. Thank you for this...very informative

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you so much we believe that Christ Jesus will help us all.

  4. Thank you for sharing this information & the prayers. May God bless you greatly for being a vessel through which we can get deliverance, through spreading the message on soul ties & how to break them.


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