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Showing posts from March, 2018

10 Ways to Teach Your Man How to Love You Just Right by: TANA GILMORE AND KELLI FISHER

Now that you’ve met someone special, how do you teach him how you want to be loved without scaring him away? Answers here! 1 of 11 Getty Images Take The 5 Love Language Quiz Many people talk about this quiz , and it’s become pretty popular, but even if you’ve taken the quiz before on your own take it again together and discuss your results. We’ll let you in on a little secret: Just because your love language is quality time and physical touch, don’t just offer that to someone else thinking that’s what he requires. Learn each other's love languages and work daily toward showing your love to each other in their own language. 2 of 11 Getty Images Feedback, Feedback and More Feedback! We all know that common phrase, “Well he should just know!” But often times, he doesn’t. So when he does something that you absolutely love whether it’s taking something off of your list of things to do or called and said, “I love you” after a long day, take a moment and tell him, “Babe it really mean...

Her Rock His Peace!

He's her rock, she's his inspiration, He's her balance, She's his support, he's her wild,  She's his calm, He's her anchor, She's his wing- Unknown HER - Peace of Mind is what a woman needs to give her King! It sounds simple, and it is, however a more strategic approach needs to be taken in order to make this attempt at keeping him happy  successful ! A man always knows what he wants from a woman, but he sometimes needs a little help with seeing the value in what he truly needs! When you connect with a man, your advantage over other women will come based on the value you add to his life (outside of the bedroom).  Everything is black and white when it comes to men, and this is where the value of a woman( you) comes into play; a woman adds vibrance, color, and an abundance of love into the picture. Getting to know a man on the inside and out will be your playbook for figuring out how to play offense, win him over, and in the end get him to celebrate y...