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Showing posts from 2016
Powerful Testimony by: @mjanayswift on Instagram     I was born into this world not having a clue about the many trials and tribulations I would encounter, but I am still here. On May 24, 2003 at the age of eight, I lost the only person in the world who put me first, the only person who was going to love me at no cost and that was my mother. I lost her to a disease called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, also known as AIDS. Though I was relatively young, I was never told what she had died from until my junior year in high school.             Living in a single parent household with four girls to raise was not an easy task for my sister. I watched her struggle as a housekeeper in order to put food on the table for us. I even watched her get into an abusive relationship that left my nieces and I scared. We were always moving from one place to the next. Maneuvering from place to place, we found ourselves living with a man we barely knew. I was told he was a guy my sister knew

Prayer points for Singles

Pray all points with the understanding that you are coming through the blood and the name of Jesus. 1. Matthew 6:12 – In the name of Jesus, I ask for forgiveness for the sins of my ancestors, parents, acquaintances, and myself, which gave the enemy and his cohorts the legal rights to work against my marriage. 2. Galatians 3:13, Psalm 107:2 – I declare that I am not bound by the covenants of ancestors, and that I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus. 3. Revelation 17:1-2 – I take authority in the name of Jesus, and I cancel all satanic covenants, agreements, vows and promises for wealth, health, fame, protection, power, influences, etc. which have brought the curse of being single in my life. 4. Revelation 18:12, 13 – I declare that every merchandizing and exchange of my soul in the area of marriage comes to a halt. I declare that every influence of the spirit of Jezebel concerning my marriage is completely and permanently terminated by the blood of the Lamb. I negate all witc

Overcoming a heart break

    There can be many reasons why we are left with a broken heart: the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, loss of status, loss of health, betrayal by a friend, loss of a child and, yes, loss of your childhood. Heartbreak happens in different ways. Your heart may break under blows being suffered right now, or your heart may break under the weight of the past, memories that go way back and that you’ve never been able to deal with. Memories of being mistreated or molested by someone you trusted can leave you feeling rotten and unwilling to trust anyone. Memories of evil things you yourself have done can crush you with guilt and regret. All of these reasons can leave you a broken man or woman. The Bible says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds“ (Psalm 147:3). “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit“ (Psalm 34:18).Those are wonderful words, but maybe they ring hollow for you. Maybe you have a hard time believing anybody

The Devil Knows your TASTE!

  The Devil knows Your Taste! Don't allow the things of this world to take you to hell. Please let's all not be deceived, the Devil also gives. He will even give us things we prayed for in exchange of our soul. If you're not careful with the spirit of discernment, you will fall right into his trap. Singles praying for a husband/wife be silent in your prayer to hear the voice of the Lord. Our father in heaven speaks to us all the time but we can be hard headed at times to ignore him or the signs he show us. Trust me, I been there. I ignored the signs but I was quick to not fall into the Devil's trap. Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil". The Devil is always prowling around in search of his new victim to devour. As Christians we need to follow the example set by Jesus, and shut the door on any traps or attempts to ensnare us by the Devil and his demons.   The devil wants you