There can be many reasons why we are left with a broken heart: the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, loss of status, loss of health, betrayal by a friend, loss of a child and, yes, loss of your childhood. Heartbreak happens in different ways. Your heart may break under blows being suffered right now, or your heart may break under the weight of the past, memories that go way back and that you’ve never been able to deal with. Memories of being mistreated or molested by someone you trusted can leave you feeling rotten and unwilling to trust anyone. Memories of evil things you yourself have done can crush you with guilt and regret. All of these reasons can leave you a broken man or woman. The Bible says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds“ (Psalm 147:3). “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit“ (Psalm 34:18).Those are wonderful words, but maybe they ring hollow for you. Maybe you have a hard time believing anybody can pick you up and put you back together, even God. But please, keep listening. You may have your doubts about it, but once you know what God is really like and grasp the way he works, the healing can begin, and you’ll find that the Lord is all you need. Why is it that we have such a hard time trusting that God will do what he says he’ll do? Well, part of the reason is that we experience many bad things, and when those experiences seem like the dominating reality in our lives, we don’t believe things can ever be different. We don’t believe God is greater than our circumstances. At that point, we need to realize again that the God of the galaxies is strong——far stronger than any bad thing in our lives. He created you, there is a purpose of your existence on this earth and one of them is not to be broken.
Much of our heartbreak isn’t just due to something bad that’s happened to us. Often it also involves something bad we’ve done ourselves. For example, if you’re a single looking for love and you go to bed with someone who then dumps you, you have been sinned against by that person, but you have also sinned against yourself by not saving yourself for marriage as God commands. You can’t just blame the person who dumped you. You also need to take responsibility for yourself and for your sin. That can be hard. Often we’re too proud or too angry or too afraid to come clean. But Jesus changes all that. He paid the price to restore and renew your relationship with God. You don’t have to bring anything to God except yourself and your guilty, broken heart. The Bible says, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise“ (Psalm 51:17).
God’s love sets you free from the sin of self—righteousness and gives you the grace to admit your sins and to ask for forgiveness, knowing that God will accept you in Christ. God’s love also sets you free from the sin of self—protectiveness, of never daring to love too deeply or risk being hurt, and gives you the grace to let go of resentment and fear and dare to love again. What a healing takes place when God sets you free from guilt to enjoy his love again! And what a healing takes place when God sets you free from resentment and empowers you to love others and to experience their love! Restored relationships are God’s greatest gift of all, the gift of love.
Once God begins healing your broken heart, he also uses you to bring healing to others. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself, to think only of your own pain, but once God begins to heal you, you look beyond yourself to the needs of others. They too need a sturdy story, and you can share your faith. They too need promising possibilities, and you can share your hope. They too need renewed relationships, and you can share the love that flows from God.
God’s love sets you free from the sin of self—righteousness and gives you the grace to admit your sins and to ask for forgiveness, knowing that God will accept you in Christ. God’s love also sets you free from the sin of self—protectiveness, of never daring to love too deeply or risk being hurt, and gives you the grace to let go of resentment and fear and dare to love again. What a healing takes place when God sets you free from guilt to enjoy his love again! And what a healing takes place when God sets you free from resentment and empowers you to love others and to experience their love! Restored relationships are God’s greatest gift of all, the gift of love.
Once God begins healing your broken heart, he also uses you to bring healing to others. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself, to think only of your own pain, but once God begins to heal you, you look beyond yourself to the needs of others. They too need a sturdy story, and you can share your faith. They too need promising possibilities, and you can share your hope. They too need renewed relationships, and you can share the love that flows from God.
Wow! That was an amazing word of encouragement. Thank you!