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Marital Curses

Genesis 2:18
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

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MARITAL CURSESCurse is another major cause of marital delay. It can cause backwardness, delay, failure, evil pattern, hatred, sickness, bad marriage, barrenness, miscarriage, death, etc. It is a word or sentence used to invoke magical power to make something evil happen to someone.

There are many causes of curses such as sin, wickedness, cheating, bloods heeding, disobedience, broken covenants, unfaithfulness, idolatry, infidelity, using of cursed materials, etc.
*​Generational Curses: – These are curses inherited from parents and family lineage. They are blood -related curses.
*​ Associational curses: – Curses inherited from wrong association with people like man friends, sugar mummy, girl/boyfriend, cohabitation, homosexual-ism, lesbianism etc.
*​Self Inflicted Curses – These are curses inflicted on oneself during troubles or swearing falsely.
*​Leadership curses – Curses from one's leaders, parents, bosses, husbands, seniors, etc.
*​Prophetic curses: – Curses from a minister of God to his/her follower when he/she is cheated.
*​Divine Curses: – These are curses from God on the wicked.
– If you discover that you are operating under a curse, do not be afraid. The Lord is in control. All you need to do are the following:
– Repentance from all known sins.
– Restitution where possible
– Aggressive prayer
– Faith in God and His word.
– The blood of Jesus
– The name of Jesus
– Deliverance
– The fire of God
– Praise and worship
– Holy and righteous life style.
Please know that:
*​Jesus has been cursed for you. (Gal. 3:13).
*​He has redeemed you from the curse of the Law.
*​No causeless curse will stand. (Prov. 26:2).
*​No more curses for you. (Rev. 22:3).
-​Blood of Jesus, Break every curse working against my marriage in Jesus name.
-​It is time for my deliverance; father set me free from all forms of delay emanating from curses in Jesus name.

Please Check out Pastor Kay Boachie Below


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