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Are You Under Demonic Manipulation In Your Relationship? By Noelle Nicolls

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I am sure the above topic will capture the attention of many. Particularly those that just cannot make sense of the strange unexplained happenings they have been constantly experiencing in their relationship.

 Witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, spells, curses, incantations and roots, are all modern day ingredients for manipulating relationships. Sad to say, folks who engage in such diabolical activity have absolutely no idea of the present and long term consequences that are associated with these evils. 

Firstly, what is demonic manipulation? Demonic manipulation is where you have demonic forces heavily influencing your mind and spirit, to do things you would not ordinarily do. For the most part, these activities are initiated by someone casting spells or curses towards you or your relationship. Demonic manipulation can also be defined as the capturing of one's reasoning ability, forcing a victim to conform and subject themselves to the wishes and desires of a manipulator. At the same time, the victim has zero understanding as to what they are doing and has literally become a living puppet to their manipulator. It is all a matter of the manipulator placing a desired spell on their victim to achieve their desired results. As an initial signs the victim becomes exceptionally defensive, always right, unreasonable and passionately controlling. These signs are not gradual but very sudden and unexpected. It is almost as if you're dealing with a complete stranger. I know the above understandings seem far fetched and just unreal. 

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However you would be amazed as to the massive amount of relationships that are controlled by such means and I am sure some of the signs you've seen in others if not yourself. One of the interesting things concerning folks that are under demonic manipulation is that there is no middle ground with them. Meaning, there is either intense love (not real love) or extreme hate. Also those that are under such spells whatever it is that they are manipulated to do, they become desperate and obsessed in achieving it, to the point that everything else in their lives even those things that are important become secondary (such as family, finance health etc.). It is as if they have abandoned all forms of common sense and reasoning to pursue what is unequivocally clear to everyone else that death and destruction will become the conclusion of their erroneous decisions. 

Scripture has provided a clear insight as to what is really happening in such a case. Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." Matthew 6:24. Unfortunately for this person they have successfully convinced themselves that everyone else is wrong concerning what is obviously wrong with them. It is only their own reasoning that they listen to (which is really the reasoning of evil spirits polluting their minds with everything that will destroy them eventually). Just for a moment think of yourself, your partner or any relationship that you are familiar with, where someone in the relationship just abruptly without warning just jumped out of the clear blue one day and abandoned their family, left home and moved in with someone else, quit their job, made drastic decision without the other party's input and having no back up plan. What about your partner all of a sudden despising you, losing all forms of respect, affections, love, gentleness, consideration and kindness towards you?

 My friend these are all common signs of your partner and relationship being heavily attacked by demonic manipulation. There is someone who believes that they should have what you have or they feel you don't deserve a satisfying relationship and have resort to evil means to bring division in your union with the ultimate goal of bringing about indefinite separation and complete devastation to your once happy life. Demonic manipulation makes you look away from what is obviously right and embrace what is wrong, again with the ultimate goal of destroying its victim. 

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I want to make clear that demonic manipulation is not only reserved to relationships but can spread its tentacles in every area of a person's life. Whoever and wherever you are this morning let me say to you that this is your day to be set free from years of mental slavery from the powers of demonic manipulation. God wants to emancipate you, your spouse, family members, and friends from the shackles of manipulation so that you can live a liberated and enjoyable life. To start with, ask yourself, "Am I really free?" meaning are you doing what you truly want to do with your life or relationship or is there someone or something influencing you to such a degree that you have literally become a slave to 99.5 per cent of their desires and only 0.5 per cent of yours. Now ask yourself, "Is this fair to me?" Well let us refer to the mentioned scripture, Matthew 6:24. The key word in this text is the word "either", suggesting that in spite of the influence on him, he is still the one making the choice to serve one of the masters. 

So, why don't you make the choice today and sincerely ask God to unshackle your mind and remove the scales off your eyes? Ask him to forgive you of any door you might have left open or unattended spiritually, that gave this evil the legal right to enter your life. Continue by asking God to assist you in restoring your home, marriage, relationship, job or whatever it is that you've been manipulated out of. For the word declares that we can do nothing without him and that we can do all things through him who strengthens us (John 15:5, Philippians 4:13). Finally from this day forward, begin to continually believe and behave as if you are free from demonic manipulation and every time you pray dress yourself with the whole armor of God. This armor is your spiritual suit that will cause you to be able to stand against the schemes, tricks, manipulation and games of the devil. Heavenly Father, please have mercy upon the readers of this article and release them indefinitely from the powers of darkness and manipulation. Cause them to see what they could not see before and that is freedom and life which your son Jesus Christ died for. We ask these things in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.


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