Spiritual attack is the enemy’s tactic to undermine our relationship with God
By: Mimi Gborgla
@mimi.on.the.move- Instagram
God reminds us not to go into the day without being prepared and equipped for battle. He tells us to take up his full armor in order to stand against the enemy’s schemes. Each piece has a specific purpose and is designed for our protection and covering. Just as a soldier would not go to battle unprepared, we also should be fully ready for the attacks we will face.
(John 10:10).
"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
Know your enemy.
It's a vital principle in any kind of warfare.
Especially spiritual warfare.
Follower of Jesus.. Satan will use any means he can to mess with us as God's children.
Jesus said, "The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"
A spiritual attack can be like sitting in a dark closet with the evil one. Picture this: he has night vision. And you don’t. He can throw some pretty good punches because he knows exactly where you are but you’re just playing defense hoping to protect yourself. But to play offense, you have to flip the switch to turn on the light. With the light being on, Satan is still in the space but now you can FIGHT BACK. You can aim your punches to hit exactly where you know he will have to back down. (A.K.A. you know EXACTLY what to ask for in prayer). “The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” (Luke 10:17).
Oftentimes people assume that the struggle they are facing is just a natural battle yet just beneath the surface there is something far more complex taking place. They are under a spiritual attack!
What is a spiritual attack? A spiritual attack is a series of events coordinated by the demonic realm in order to abort promises, shipwreck faith, oppress a believer and stall out destiny.
Paul reminds us: "lest Satan should take advantage of us. For we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Cor. 2:11)
The Bible tells us that the devil has various plots and schemes he uses against human beings. Many people wrongly assume that Satan is stupid, yet he has been studying the thoughts, actions and behavior of humanity since the beginning of time. He knows how to tempt people.
His minions are masters at pushing the right buttons at the right time! We must not be ignorant to the strategies of the enemy. We can not live our lives with our spiritual eyes shut. We must walk in the spirit and be aware of what is taking place around us.
How can you identify a spiritual attack? Here are eight symptoms of an attack:
1. Lack of spiritual passion. The enemy comes to steal your tenacity for the things of God. Suddenly your prayer life seems stalled. Your commitment is tested and you can't seem to push though. You feel as though you are just going through the motions.
2. Extreme frustration. During a spiritual attack the enemy uses a variety of circumstances to oppress the mind and bring great frustration. A person who is under siege finds themselves on edge and anxious.
3. Confusion about purpose. During a spiritual attack there is often great confusion about spiritual direction. This is one of the chief goals of an attack, to get a believer out of destiny. That wrong move begins by bringing confusion.
4. Lack of peace. The enemy bombards the mind with various thoughts and ongoing temptation in order to rob peace. The mind becomes irritated and exhausted. The enemy does all that he can to bring mental fatigue.
5. Unusually sluggish and tired. A lack of energy and vitality are often the result of an extended attack. Certainly these issues can occur with natural problems, lack of sleep or health battles. In this case though, the root cause is the effect of prolonged spiritual battles.
6. Strong urge to quit assignment. Every believer is born with unique purpose. As God created a purpose for each believer, He also gave unique gifts and grace to fulfill that plan. When a person is living in the high calling, they will prosper in various areas: They will receive financial blessing by excelling in the area that God has called them to. They will feel satisfied and fulfilled living out their destiny.
Simply put, the enemy hates when a believer is boldly walking out their purpose and plan. He does all that he can to MOVE the Christian away from their destiny. During an attack he will overwhelm them with thoughts and desires to give up and abandon their post! This is one of his greatest purposes behind spiritual attacks.
7. Drawn back towards old bondages. In a long spiritual battle a person is often pulled back towards negative cycles that they broke free from. The enemy wants to enslave them once again in the same old bondages. If he can discourage them bad enough to give into sin that they were free from then he can loose shame and condemnation upon them causing them to spiral down into deeper defeat.
8. Questioning direction and call that was one so clear. As the enemy attacks the life of a believer he begins to give them reasons to give up on the very thing that God called them to. This is one of his master tools. He releases confusion, shame, intimidation and a variety of vile schemes to create a cloud of uncertainty. Again, his ultimate goal is to get a believer off the pathway of destiny, A person who is under attack may find themselves deeply questioning the road that they are traveling. Usually, they begin to reexamine decisions that were once crystal clear. Oftentimes a person in the midst of an attack will question prophetic words, spiritual breakthroughs and significant experiences that they had. This is a step towards moving backwards in the Spirit.
3 Keys to Freedom
Once you recognize the attack begin to rise up in the faith and authority that Jesus has given you. Rebuke the attack and break it's power over your life. Remember Jesus gave us power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases (Luke 9:1). Here are three keys to your freedom:
1. Break it with faith: "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him" (Heb. 11:6).
2. Break it with prayer and obedience: "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel" (Eph. 6:18-19).
3. Break it with resistance: "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).
The enemy loves to remain hidden. He deceives and tries to fly under the radar but the Lord is shining His powerful light upon the attacks! Spiritual eyes are being opened and freedom is coming forth. Exercise your authority and break the attack today!
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