By: Mimi Gborgla
Many people serve a purpose in your life. Whether it's good or bad, God brings them into your life for a purpose that needs to be fulfilled.
Many people serve a purpose in your life. Whether it's good or bad, God brings them into your life for a purpose that needs to be fulfilled.
There is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, but everyone will teach you something about yourself. Both positive and negative relationships teach you valuable lessons. This is an incredible step toward expanding your consciousness. The road to self-discovery requires help from others. As humans we are always seeking feedback and approval from others. That is how we learn and become better as individuals. No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones. Appreciate everyone that enters your life because they are contributing to your growth and happiness.
Some people only enter your life for a short while. It may seem strange but this happens only cause to serve some sort of purpose or to simply teach you a lesson. In certain cases, it has been even seen that some people may enter your life as acquaintances but they end up staying for long. Then others come into your life as a Judas.
For an example, I knew everyone purpose in my life hat I came to path with. even the ones that back stabbed me. They taught me to never trust man and to always put my trust in God. Even through the cruel things they have conspired against me, I never ounce had hate in my heart because I knew their purpose.
So thank you from the bottom of my heart for those who have taken an interest in my life and have crossed my path for the good and the bad. Whether you have stayed or left, I have been impacted by those who have touched my heart.
Galatians, 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
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